Today I didn’t learn about channels, but I did have to code a function which would make a bunch of requests concurrently to minimise execution time. It’s nothing out of this world but I did like how it turned up, so just sharing that over here :)

func (c APIClient) findProducts(productCodes []string) ([]*product, error) {
	wg := sync.WaitGroup{}

	ch := make(chan *product)
	errCh := make(chan error)

	for _, code := range productCodes {
		go func(code string, ch chan<- *product, errCh chan<- error) {
			defer wg.Done()

			p, err := c.findProduct(code)
			if err != nil {
				errCh <- err
			} else {
				ch <- p
		}(code, ch, errCh)



	var products []*product
	for p := range ch {
		products = append(products, p)

  // I'm not too sure about this mechanic... but YOLO.
	var err error
	for e := range errCh {
		err = errors.Wrap(err, e.Error())

	return products, err