Today I learnt that pg_dump allows you to dump individual schemas, not just the whole database, which is just great for multitenant scenarios leveraging postgres schemas!

That said, here’s a quick snippet of how you would backup the schema, and then restore it:

# Dump the schema "tenant1"
pg_dump -c --port=5432 --username=postgres --dbname=cookbook_db --schema=tenant1 > backup_dump.sq

# Import the dump
psql --host=localhost --port=5432 --username=postgres --dbname=cookbook_db -f backup_dump.sql -L prod_dump_restore_attempt.log

Note: notice the -c option in pg_dump. That basically means the dump will wipe clean the schema before importing it — while in some cases you might not want do it it, I’ve found myself needing it most of the times to avoid imcompatibilities.